
Ask Jam! Peaches & Cream! Let's print Miu's books!

10+ years of furry art/comics featuring Peaches and Cream (and Jam) by Miu! Some books are R18+.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fri Mar 15 '19 Announcement
over 5 years ago – Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 10:28:27 AM

Hi everyone, sorry for the wait on an update. Back near the end of Feb I had an update ready to go and when I got on IGG and clicked Post An Update... there... wasn't an update window anymore! In fact, none of the campaign functions seemed to work. Everything would either take me to the update page with no way to update or just a time out page that said it couldn't find the campaign at all.

We contacted the help staff and after a lot of back and forth, seems like everything is working again! I'm so glad. Was kind of losing hope since its now halfway through March.

Anyway, all that aside, progress was slow in Feb since I had a bad case of bronchitis and spent most of my time sick in bed, but I wanted to post some art and let everyone know I'm still around and will be posting more news as soon as I can! So happy my energy isn't going into IGG tech support or coughing anymore. Right now I'd like to use this time to catch up and post on the 10th of April as usual to my updates on the 10th. If I can get out a substantial update before then for March, I definitely will.

Thanks to everyone continuing to check in with me here. Can't wait to be done! Oh and here's some more new art. I made sure and put some shirts on them so they're not just naked on IGG!

Sat Feb 9 '19 Announcement
almost 6 years ago – Sat, Feb 09, 2019 at 11:46:01 PM

Hi all, just letting everyone know I've been super sick, some kind of stomach flu and have barely been doing much for the past couple of weeks. Still dealing with fever and body aches and mostly resting, so I'll return with an update as soon as I'm back on my feet.

I'm hoping that if I rest and take care of myself whatever this is will be gone soon. Would be lovely to be back to things next week.

Anywho, just letting everyone know what's up. Thank you for sticking with me and I'll see you again as soon as I can with a full Feb update. Hope everyone out there is taking care of themselves and staying out of the cold.

Thu Jan 10 '19 Announcement
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 03:57:28 PM

Hi again everyone! Work has been going pretty smooth since last update now that holiday times have passed. At this point all the talents are finished and I'm mostly just finishing up the last illos on the comic section and coloring comic pages.

I should be able to continue to spend this month just working away at that, so for now it's just kind of me in the work hole finishing up stuff!

I'm excited to be this far after all this time! So for now that's kind of all there is to report. Just gonna hunker down and keep arting and take advantage of this nice pocket of time I have to spend only on Talent Show!

In the meantime, here's some more artin's from the project and I'll see you again on Feb 10th or before if I have any more goodies to show off!

Fri Dec 21 '18 Announcement
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 03:33:53 AM

Hi again everyone,

First off, I want to apologize. I thought I'd be able to move through all this art much faster than I have and I don't want to create expectations that aren't there. I really did think I'd be able to have the project finished before this point, but nope. Still working. I'm really sorry about that.

So right now most of what I'm doing is coloring and finishing up things. Between holidays and convention work I wasn't able to get as much done as I wanted, but I'm still plugging away & I'm really happy with what I've gotten done. Most of this work is coloring and refining and below you will see how the art has kind of evolved. Character shading is now close to complete and I feel like has come together nicely!

Also, while I was putting the layout for the book together I figured I'd include any extra naughty art I've done of Jam & Raspberry along with the already planned project art. I felt it all fit in pretty well and what better place to put it than a giant Jam and Raspberry-fest.

Next update with be on Jan 10th. I'll be able to just work since there's no conventions or holiday stuff going on, so I look forward to seeing how far I can get by then!

I hope you all have a lovely holiday season and I'll see you again on the next update!

Sun Dec 9 '18 Announcement
almost 6 years ago – Sun, Dec 09, 2018 at 08:31:56 PM

Hey everyone, just wanted to hop on real quick to let everyone know I'm moving the usual monthly update back to the 20th. Between working super hard up to MFF, MFF itself and needing a break to recover my enegry I don't feel there's enough to make for a substantial update.

So I'll be back, all rested up with more news and previews on Dec 20th. Hope you're all safe and warm this holiday season and see you again very soon!